
{callout-info} The BotMan testing features are only available in combination with BotMan Studio.


Like Laravel, BotMan is build with testing in mind. Every part of it is well tested and this is the only way to keep such a big project running properly.

But also your bots should be built with tests and this is why BotMan Studio will help you with that. Testing bots and conversations is very different from your other projects. This is why BotMan Studio provides lots of helper methods for you. This is the basic test example you will find in your ExampleTest.php file.

	public function testBasicTest()

Testing Multiple Replies

All assertion methods can be chained to test cases when your bot responds with more than one message.

public function testBasicTest()
		->assertReply('Nice to meet you');

Additionally you can you use the assertReplies() method if you want to test multiple replies at once.

public function testBasicTest()
			'Nice to meet you',

Simulating User Messages

Receiving Attachments

BotMan can receive attachment objects from user and there are methods that help you test those cases. You can use receivesLocation, receivesImages, receivesVideos, receivesAudio and receivesFiles methods to simulate that user has send valid attachments.

public function testBasicTest()
	->assertReply('Thanks for locations');

You can pass additional $latitude and $longitude arguments to receivesLocation if necessary.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->receivesLocation($latitude, $longitude)
    		->assertReply('Your latidude is ' . $latitude);

You can pass additional array of urls to receivesImages, receivesVideos, receivesAudio and receivesFiles methods if necessary.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->assertReply('You sent me dog image');

Receiving Interactive message

There are cases when we expect our chatbot user to respond to a question with an interactive reply - for example a button click. To simulate that, use the receivesInteractiveMessage method. It accepts the button value as an argument.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->assertReply('You chose dog!');

Available Assertions

BotMan comes with handful of useful methods to test you chatbots.


The assertReply method asserts that the chatbot replies with the given message.

public function testBasicTest()


The assertReplies method asserts that the chatbot replies with all messages in the given array.

public function testBasicTest()
    			'Nice to meet you',


The assertReplyIsNot method asserts that the chatbot does not reply with the given message.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->assertReplyIsNot('Good bye');


The assertReplyIn method asserts that the chatbot replies with one message from the given array. This is helpful if your bot uses random answers.

public function testBasicTest()


The assertReplyNotIn method asserts that the chatbot does not reply with any of the given messages.

public function testBasicTest()
    		    'Good bye',


The assertReplyNothing method asserts that the chatbot does not reply with any message at all. Useful when chained with other assertion methods to check that the chatbot stopped responding.

public function testBasicTest()


The assertQuestion method asserts that the chatbot replies with a Question object. If you call this method without an argument it just checks for a question occurance. Otherwise it will test for the question text.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->receives('Start conversation')

public function testBasicTest()
    		->receives('Start conversation')
    		->assertQuestion('What do you want to talk about');


The assertTemplate method asserts that the chatbot does reply with a given template class. This is especially useful when testing Facebook reply templates.

public function testBasicTest()
    		->receives('News feed')

You can pass true as a second argument to test that the templates are exactly the same (strict mode).

public function testStartJokeConversation()
	$jokeTypeQuestion = ButtonTemplate::create('Please select the kind of joke you wanna hear:')
					ElementButton::create('Chuck Norris')->type('payload')->payload('chucknorris'),
		->receives('start joke conversation')
		->assertTemplate($jokeTypeQuestion, true);

Testing Conversations

When you want to test a longer conversation you can chain the given methods. Just add another receives() and an assertion afterwards.

public function testStartConversation()
			'Nice to meet you. What is your name?',
		->assertReply('BotMan, that is a beautifule name :-)');

Testing Events

BotMan supports testing for driver specific events with the receivesEvent method.

public function testStartConversation()
		->assertReply('Received event');

You can pass a $payload array as an additional argument as well.

public function testStartConversation()
		->receivesEvent('event_name', ['key' => 'value'])
		->assertReply('Received event');

Advanced Testing

Set Driver

If you are building multi-driver chatbots with BotMan you may have restricted some commands to specific drivers only - for example using the group method.

$botman->group(['driver' => FacebookDriver::class], function ($bot) {
    $bot->hears('Facebook only', function ($bot) {
        $bot->reply('You are on messenger');

The BotMan testing environment uses a fake driver class to run the tests, but we can change the name of the driver with the setDriver method.

public function testStartConversation()
		->receives('Facebook only')
		->assertReply('You are on messenger');

Set User Information

In a similar manner you can set user information with the setUser method.

public function testStartConversation()
			'first_name' => 'John'
		->assertReply('Hi, John!);

Skip Assertion

In cases when your bot replies with several messages you can assert only a specific reply using the reply method to skip assertion. All tests below will pass.

public function testStartConversation()
		->receives('Tell me something')
		->assertQuestion('Here are some topics we could discuss');

public function testStartConversation()
		->receives('Tell me something')
		->assertQuestion('Here are some topics we could discuss');

public function testStartConversation()
		->receives('Tell me something')
		->assertQuestion('Here are some topics we could discuss');

ReceiveRaw and AssertRaw

If none of the helper methods can handle your specific test case you can use the receiveRaw and assertRaw methods.

public function testStartConversation()
    $incoming = new IncomingMessage('Hi', '12345678', 'abcdefgh');
    $outgoing = new OutgoingMessage('Hello');